Monday, September 14, 2009

Magnetic Shielding

There is no known INSULATOR for magnetic flux. If a nonmagnetic material is placed in a magnetic field, there is no appreciable change in flux - that is, the flux penetrates the nonmagnetic material. For example, a glass plate placed between the poles of a horseshoe magnet will have no appreciable effect on the field although glass itself is a good insulator in an electric circuit. If a magnetic material (for example, soft iron) is placed in a magnetic field, the flux may be redirected to take advantage of the greater permeability of the magnetic material, as shown in figure . Permeability, as discussed earlier, is the quality of a substance which determines the ease with which it can be magnetized.
The sensitive mechanisms of electric instruments and meters can be influenced by stray magnetic fields which will cause errors in their readings. Because instrument mechanisms cannot be insulated against magnetic flux, it is necessary to employ some means of directing the flux around the instrument. This is accomplished by placing a soft-iron case, called a MAGNETIC SCREEN or SHIELD, about the instrument. Because the flux is established more readily through the iron (even though the path is longer) than through the air inside the case, the instrument is effectively shielded, as shown by the watch and soft-iron shield in figure below
Because of the many uses of magnets, they are found in various shapes and sizes. However, magnets usually come under one of three general classifications: bar magnets, horseshoe magnets, or ring magnets.
The bar magnet is most often used in schools and laboratories for studying the properties and effects of magnetism. In the preceding material, the bar magnet proved very helpful in demonstrating magnetic effects.
Another type of magnet is the ring magnet, which is used for computer memory cores. A common application for a temporary ring magnet would be the shielding of electrical instruments.
The shape of the magnet most frequently used in electrical and electronic equipment is called the horseshoe magnet. A horseshoe magnet is similar to a bar magnet but is bent in the shape of a horseshoe. The horseshoe magnet provides much more magnetic strength than a bar magnet of the same size and material because of the closeness of the magnetic poles. The magnetic strength from one pole to the other is greatly increased due to the concentration of the magnetic field in a smaller area. Electrical measuring devices quite frequently use horseshoe-type magnets.

A piece of steel that has been magnetized can lose much of its magnetism by improper handling. If it is jarred or heated, there will be a disalignment of its domains resulting in the loss of some of its effective magnetism. Had this piece of steel formed the horseshoe magnet of a meter, the meter would no longer be operable or would give inaccurate readings. Therefore, care must be exercised when handling instruments containing magnets. Severe jarring or subjecting the instrument to high temperatures will damage the device.
A magnet may also become weakened from loss of flux. Thus when storing magnets, one should always try to avoid excess leakage of magnetic flux. A horseshoe magnet should always be stored with a keeper, a soft iron bar used to join the magnetic poles. By using the keeper while the magnet is being stored, the magnetic flux will continuously circulate through the magnet and not leak off into space.
When bar magnets are stored, the same principle must be remembered. Therefore, bar magnets should always be stored in pairs with a north pole and a south pole placed together. This provides a complete path for the magnetic flux without any flux leakage.

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