Monday, September 14, 2009


                                                      THEORIES OF MAGNETISM
                                                               Weber's Theory
A popular theory of magnetism considers the molecular alignment of the material. This is known as Weber's theory. This theory assumes that all magnetic substances are composed of tiny molecular magnets. Any unmagnetized material has the magnetic forces of its molecular magnets neutralized by adjacent molecular magnets, thereby eliminating any magnetic effect. A magnetized material will have most of its molecular magnets lined up so that the north pole of each molecule points in one direction, and the south pole faces the opposite direction. A material with its molecules thus aligned will then have one effective north pole, and one effective south pole. An illustration of Weber's Theory is shown in figure above, where a steel bar is magnetized by stroking. When a steel bar is stroked several times in the same direction by a magnet, the magnetic force from the north pole of the magnet causes the molecules to align themselves.
Domain Theory  :
A more modern theory of magnetism is based on the electron spin principle. From the study of atomic structure it is known that all matter is composed of vast quantities of atoms, each atom containing one or more orbital electrons. The electrons are considered to orbit in various shells and subshells depending upon their distance from the nucleus. The structure of the atom has previously been compared to the solar system, wherein the electrons orbiting the nucleus correspond to the planets orbiting the sun. Along with its orbital motion about the sun, each planet also revolves on its axis. It is believed that the electron also revolves on its axis as it orbits the nucleus of an atom.
It has been experimentally proven that an electron has a magnetic field about it along with an electric field. The effectiveness of the magnetic field of an atom is determined by the number of electrons spinning in each direction. If an atom has equal numbers of electrons spinning in opposite directions, the magnetic fields surrounding the electrons cancel one another, and the atom is unmagnetized. However, if more electrons spin in one direction than another, the atom is magnetized. An atom with an atomic number of 26, such as iron, has 26 protons in the nucleus and 26 revolving electrons orbiting its nucleus. If 13 electrons are spinning in a clockwise direction and 13 electrons are spinning in a counterclockwise direction, the opposing magnetic fields will be neutralized. When more than 13 electrons spin in either direction, the atom is magnetized. An example of a magnetized atom of iron is shown in figure below.
The space surrounding a magnet where magnetic forces act is known as the magnetic field.
A pattern of this directional force can be obtained by performing an experiment with iron filings. A piece of glass is placed over a bar magnet and the iron filings are then sprinkled on the surface of the glass. The magnetizing force of the magnet will be felt through the glass and each iron filing becomes a temporary magnet. If the glass is now tapped gently, the iron particles will align themselves with the magnetic field surrounding the magnet just as the compass needle did previously. The filings form a definite pattern, which is a visible representation of the forces comprising the magnetic field. Examination of the arrangements of iron filings in figure abovewill indicate that the magnetic field is very strong at the poles and weakens as the distance from the poles increases. It is also apparent that the magnetic field extends from one pole to the other, constituting a loop about the magnet.

Lines of Force
To further describe and work with magnet phenomena, lines are used to represent the force existing in the area surrounding a magnet (refer to fig. 1-14). These lines, called MAGNETIC LINES OF FORCE, do not actually exist but are imaginary lines used to illustrate and describe the pattern of the magnetic field. The magnetic lines of force are assumed to emanate from the north pole of a magnet, pass through surrounding space, and enter the south pole. The lines of force then travel inside the magnet from the south pole to the north pole, thus completing a closed loop.
When two magnetic poles are brought close together, the mutual attraction or repulsion of the poles produces a more complicated pattern than that of a single magnet. These magnetic lines of force can be plotted by placing a compass at various points throughout the magnetic field, or they can be roughly illustrated by the use of iron filings as before. A diagram of magnetic poles placed close together is shown in figure below.
Although magnetic lines of force are imaginary, a simplified version of many magnetic phenomena can be explained by assuming the magnetic lines to have certain real properties. The lines of force can be compared to rubber bands which stretch outward when a force is exerted upon them and contract when the force is removed. The characteristics of magnetic lines of force can be described as follows:
1. Magnetic lines of force are continuous and will always form closed loops.
2. Magnetic lines of force will never cross one another. 
3. Parallel magnetic lines of force traveling in the same direction repel one another. Parallel magnetic lines of force traveling in opposite directions tend to unite with each other and form into single lines traveling in a direction determined by the magnetic poles creating the lines of force. 
4. Magnetic lines of force tend to shorten themselves. Therefore, the magnetic lines of force existing between two unlike poles cause the poles to be pulled together. 
5. Magnetic lines of force pass through all materials, both magnetic and nonmagnetic. 
6. Magnetic lines of force always enter or leave a magnetic material at right angles to the surface.
MAGNETIC FLUX. The total number of magnetic lines of force leaving or entering the pole of a magnet is called MAGNETIC FLUX. The number of flux lines per unit area is known as FLUX DENSITY.
FIELD INTENSITY. The intensity of a magnetic field is directly related to the magnetic force exerted by the field.ATTRACTION/REPULSION. The intensity of attraction or repulsion between magnetic poles may be described by a law almost identical to Coulomb's Law of Charged Bodies. The force between two poles is directly proportional to the product of the pole strengths and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the poles.
                      Magnetic Induction  :
It has been previously stated that all substances that are attracted by a magnet are capable of becoming magnetized. The fact that a material is attracted by a magnet indicates the material must itself be a magnet at the time of attraction.With the knowledge of magnetic fields and magnetic lines of force developed up to this point, it is simple to understand the manner in which a material becomes magnetized when brought near a magnet. As an iron nail is brought close to a bar magnet (fig. below, some flux lines emanating from the north pole of the magnet pass through the iron nail in completing their magnetic path. Since magnetic lines of force travel inside a magnet from the south pole to the north pole, the nail will be magnetized in such a polarity that its south pole will be adjacent to the north pole of the bar magnet. There is now an attraction between the two magnets.
If another nail is brought in contact with the end of the first nail, it would be magnetized by induction. This process could be repeated until the strength of the magnetic flux weakens as distance from the bar magnet increases. However, as soon as the first iron nail is pulled away from the bar magnet, all the nails will fall. The reason being that each nail becomes a temporary magnet, and as soon as the magnetizing force is removed, their domains once again assume a random distribution.
Magnetic induction will always produce a pole polarity on the material being magnetized opposite that of the adjacent pole of the magnetizing force. It is sometimes possible to bring a weak north pole of a magnet near a strong magnet north pole and note attraction between the poles. The weak magnet, when placed within the magnetic field of the strong magnet, has its magnetic polarity reversed by the field of the stronger magnet. Therefore, it is attracted to the opposite pole. For this reason, you must keep a very weak magnet, such as a compass needle, away from a strong magnet.Magnetism can be induced in a magnetic material by several means. The magnetic material may be placed in the magnetic field, brought into contact with a magnet, or stroked by a magnet. Stroking and contact both indicate actual contact with the material but are considered in magnetic studies as magnetizing by INDUCTION.

1 comment:

Peter98 said...

Hello, sir. Thank you for the post.
Please what does 2 Wb mean? I know 1 Wb is ... blah blah blah … equivalent to 62,800N.